wise responsible citizens fight hard in mr and mrs.c's classroom. mad happy citizens elect hardly in the white house. crazy smart citizens lead gently at my house.
The job of legislative branch is to make Laws.one of the interesting facts about the legislative branch is that there is 100 senators 2 from each state.The job of the Executive Branch is that Obama is the head leader of the Executive Branch. One interesting fact about the Executive Branch is that the President lives in the White House. The job of the Judicial Branch is to decide if laws are broken. One interesting fact about the Judicial Branch is there can be 9 Justices, but currently there are only 8 because one of the died.
happy mad citizens happy mad citizens happy mad citizens fighting lazely in mr and mrs c classroom
ReplyDeletewise responsible citizens fight hard in mr and mrs.c's classroom. mad happy citizens elect hardly in the white house. crazy smart citizens lead gently at my house.
ReplyDeletewise smart citizens wise smart citizens wise smart lead happily around the world
ReplyDeletesmart wase smart wase smart governments fight lately in mr and Ms.c class room
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletenice small citizens nice small citizens nice small citizens talk loudly in the classroom.
ReplyDeleteWise smart citizens work happily in the white house.
ReplyDeletenice small citizens fight loudly in school
ReplyDeletewise smart governments help happily around the world.careless wise citizens plan in washing dc.brave smart government lead lazily at local levels
ReplyDeleteclean blue citizens drive fast in forests
ReplyDeletewise just citsins ran thoughtfully in new Mexico
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletenice friendly citizens
ReplyDeletenice crazy citizens run nicely in school
ReplyDeletemad sad citizens dance manly in school
ReplyDeleteWise just governments vote lazily in new mexico
ReplyDeleteWise Brave citizens lead happily in New Mexico.
ReplyDeletenice friendiy citizens help proudly in the witehouse
ReplyDeletecrazy sad citizens run manly in the house
ReplyDeleteresponsible brave citizens vote hardly in every country
ReplyDeletewise smart citizen vote happy in mr and ms c clssroom
ReplyDeleteresponsible brave citizens vote hardly in every country.
ReplyDeletesmart stupid citizens fight stupid in mr and Ms.c class room
ReplyDeletewise smart citizen elec lazily around the word
DeleteNice citizens have the pawer to vote for a president
ReplyDeletedum stupid cittzens fight dumly in the soers
ReplyDeletelocal federal citizens search happily around the world
ReplyDeletedemocratic careless governments fight hard in mr and misc's classroom
ReplyDeleteThe job of the legislative branch is to mack laws.I they take the take the bad man to tel
ReplyDeletePublished for Jayden M.
Deletenice friendly citizens help proudly in the witehouse
ReplyDeletePublished by Nizhoni
The job of legislative branch is to make Laws.one of the interesting facts about the legislative branch is that there is 100 senators 2 from each state.The job of the Executive Branch is that Obama is the head leader of the Executive Branch. One interesting fact about the Executive Branch is that the President lives in the White House. The job of the Judicial Branch is to decide if laws are broken. One interesting fact about the Judicial Branch is there can be 9 Justices, but currently there are only 8 because one of the died.
ReplyDeletePublished for Katrina